February 4, 2021
The latest event of the #NATO2030 initiative took place on 4th of February 2021 to provide room for a wide engagement on matters concerning the Alliance’s future. Like Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, emphasized in his opening remarks, the youth has the highest stakes in our future. As the world is increasingly becoming unpredictable, the organization needs a coherent and comprehensive defence plan addressing both regional and global challenges. Last fall, 14 young leaders have been invited to share their views on keeping up the technological edge and providing innovative solutions in the multi-dimensional security threats. Their report – NATO 2030: Embrace the Change, guard the values – debuted on the conference throughout highlights on resilience, burden sharing, climate change, and digitalization proposals.
The formal sessions has been followed by the first ever policy hackatlon with the participation of 10 student groups from top universities. Based on the short video, the evaluation of the jury, and the opinion polls, the Freie Universitat Berlin seized the first place with their pitch on “Innovating innovation: next steps in Allied technology cooperation”.