NATO Academy 2023 in Budapest

The NATO Academy 2023 is an initiative commited to fostering the next generation of global leaders in the field of security policy, organized by the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association of Hungary (YATA Hungary) and the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association International (YATA International). The NATO Academy provides a unique platform for young professionals and students to delve into the complex world of NATO and international security affairs, encouriging them to ask questions and engage in discussions with esteemed experts, officials and academics.

NATO Academy 2023 is a three-day course uniting academic insight and professional experience in an intercultural setting. Join young professionals from NATO Member States to explore deterrence and defence in the 21st century, while networking with like-minded individuals and immersing in Hungarian culture in the city of Budapest. Do not miss the chance to gain insights into NATO’s 360-degree security approach and the Allieance’s future-proofing strategies! 📌

The main sponsor of the event is NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (PDD), which is part of the International Staff at NATO Headquarters. PDD runs communications and public diplomacy programmes to foster awareness and understanding of NATO, its values, policies, and activities, and to increase the level of debate on peace, security, and defence-related issues. To this end, the Division conducts, supports and co-sponsors a wide range of public diplomacy activities, including conferences, seminars, and other outreach projects, designed to engage with audiences around the world.

The official partner of the event is the Institute for American Studies (IAS), which is a Budapest-based non-profit educational and research institute affiliated with Hungary’s University of Public Service within the Eötvös József Research Center. Complementing the rich and diverse faculties of the University, the Institute brings together scholars, practitioners and career professionals in their fields to make available an array of multidisciplinary research tools and information resources on contemporary political, economic, and national security developments in the United States.

The official partner of the event is the International Republican Institute (IRI) is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1983 and funded and supported by the United States federal government. Most of its board is drawn from the Republican Party. It is committed to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide by helping political parties to become more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process, including women and youth. It was initially known as the National Republican Institute for International Affairs.

The Youth Atlantic Treaty Association of Hungary (YATA Hungary) is the main co-organizer of the event. The organization was established in 1995 as the youth section of the Hungarian Atlantic Council (MAT / ATA Hungary). In 1996, YATA Hungary became full member of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association International (YATA International) network. Its basic principle is to promote the values of Atlanticism among Hungarian youth – including secondary school students, university students and young professionals.

The main co-organizer of the event is the Brussels-based Youth Atlantic Treary Association International (YATA International), which is the youth wing of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) based in Brussels, bringing together over 33 YATA National Youth Organizations comprising young professionals. Its main focus is circled around to strengthen the transatlantic bond and promote the values of security, democracy, and the rule of law by fostering debate and education, and increasing youth visibility and influence. Since its establishment 1996 ago , YATA has remained committed to educating and promoting cooperation among youth in NATO and partner countries to develop future leaders dedicated to the values of the North Atlantic Treaty and understanding current and future security challenges.

More info and agenda here:
