Conferences on NATO’s present and future

Last week members of YATA Hungary had the opportunity to widen their perspectives through two renowned conferences:

At the Hungary in KFOR event, we could gain some insights into the current state and future plans of the Hungarian-lead KFOR Mission in the Balkans. Márton Ugrósdy, Gergely Németh, colonel Ferenc Kajárdi, Gábor Boldizsár, Károly Grúber and Ferenc Németh highlighted the military and strategic  opportunities presented by commanding the first active NATO mission for both Hungary and the Central-Eastern European region.

Continuing the Eastern focus of the Alliance, at the Conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, hosted by the Atlantic Council, Stoltenberg shared the organization’s views on the situation in Ukraine, the upcoming strategic concept, and the strategic dialogue undertaken with China.

Picture of Doucha Lilla

Doucha Lilla

Lilla is an International Peace and Security postgraduate student at King’s College London, and junior researcher at the Institute for American Studies at Ludovika. Her research interests lie at the nexus of security studies and international law, however, currently she is also engaging with wargaming and space security. Her previous experiences entail research intern positions at Globsec, IFAT, and MCC and a traineeship at the the Permanent Delegation of Hungary to NATO in Brussels.